What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
I am formally Meggin Mayhem, because that’s just the first thing that popped into my head when trying to figure one out. I thought it was cleaver bc my name is Meggin Mahair, Meggin Mayhem is very similar. Then I got a punisher tattoo on my right shoulder. I’m a HUGE punisher and marvel fan and thought Punish-Her seems pretty badass, I’m goin for it! So then, Punish-Her was created and stuck.

When did you start roller derby?
I started roller derby in mid-2015, I think it was may or June, maybe even July. I’ve loved it ever since.

Why did you start derby?
I was skating with my kids at the rink on a Sunday afternoon and a woman rolled up to me and asked if I had ever thought about joining a women’s roller derby league. I knew there was one in town but I didn’t think I was up to par to consider joining. The skater that approached me was SO welcoming and friendly that I decided to give it a go. It was love at first practice and I’ve played since that day.