What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
I can remember wanting a derby name that was personal and a play on words. My degree is in Nuclear Medicine, so when a friend of mine suggested Daisy Nukes, I knew that was the winner! My number “82” is also associated with my nuclear background. The radioactive isotope I use everyday is rubidium-82.

When did you start roller derby?
I started roller derby in August 2014

Why did you start derby?
I had always been interested in roller derby, but didn’t realize there was a league 10 minutes from my house. I was wanting to get back in shape after my first baby and I had met a friend in birthing class that was a roller derby girl. She found SSRD and we both signed up! She moved 6 months later, but I was hooked. Derby has helped me get into great shape after both of my babies.

Has your why changed over the years?
I love the intensity of roller derby. It has a way of commanding your full attention as player, ref, or fan in the stands. Over the years, I’ve had a lot of different roles as a derby girl. Fresh meat, core team member, pregnant bench coach and non-skating official, to currently the co-captain of the Biohazard Babes and new member of the SSRD Elite Team.

One thing you wish you knew when you first started derby that you know now.
I wish I would’ve joined when I first heard of roller derby, instead of waiting until I had a friend to tag along with. If I’d known how many amazing women I would meet and how much it actually doesn’t hurt to fall on your pads or how good I would look in those hot pants after 6 months of skating (lol)…maybe I would’ve found derby sooner. Now I tell every girl I meet, COME SKATE WITH ME!!!