Why I Play Roller Derby – Sting Ray

South Side GirlsSkater Spotlight, Why I Derby

Why I Derby! STING RAY

What is the backstory on your Derby Name?

I'm pretty obsessed with the ocean and wanted something that had my name in it. StingRae just stuck.

When did you start roller derby?

I started in November 2017 when an add popped up in Facebook 😜

Why did you start derby?

I realized I wasn't doing anything outside of work and going out. I decided I needed to get fit somehow. I've been doing derby for about a year and a half and lost almost 60 pounds in the process.

Has your why changed over the years?

Now I do derby because I have met the most amazing woman whist doing it. I love my derby friends and they have become family to me.

Things you wish you knew when you 1st started derby that you know now.

I always tell myself I wish I would've started sooner!!

Fun Fact About StingRay
She is the HR Manager over food, beverage and facilities for Aramark at Minute Maid Park and all her coworkers love asking me about derby.