SSRD Sk8 Of The Union

SSRD Sk8 Of The Union

Welcome! You are about to embark on an adventure into the world of roller derby. It's empowering. It's athletic. It's cutting edge. The game is intense, and it takes strategy and endurance to win, but guess what? There is no game without YOU, the skater. Derby is for women of all shapes, sizes, ages, skill levels, professions, and backgrounds. Whether you are new to quad skating or have been doing it for years, WE WANT YOU!

So, here is what you get:

  • Exercise
  • Learn something new and have fun doing it
  • Meet a diverse group of women and establish lifelong friendships

Now, doesn't that sound just perfect?

  1. Mission Statement

South Side Roller Derby Inc. is an athletic association, which is a skater owned and operated, all female roller derby league. Our mission is to promote sportsmanship, female empowerment, and provide an affordable fitness alternative.

  1. The Journey To Being Game Day Ready!

All participating skaters must:

  • Complete the following programs to be Game Day Ready!
    Level 0 - Learn To Skate (Monday Nights 8pm-9pm)
    Level 1- Speed & Agility (Monday Nights 8pm -9pm)
    Level 2 - Roller Derby 101(Monday & Wednesday  Nights 7-9pm)
    Level 3 - Full Contact Game Day Ready (Monday & Wednesday Night 7-9pm)
  • Bear the expense of all personal equipment and uniforms.
  • Learn the rules start with learning the hand signals
  1. What Happens When I’m Finally Game Day Ready!
    Attendance Requirements 
  • 30 days prior to game day each skater must make 75% practices, 
  • On non-game months no attendance requirements

Free Practice Points If there is a holiday on one of our scheduled practice days, or if a practice is canceled you will get a free practice point for that day, i.e., Christmas, Labor Day, Fourth of July, etc 

  1. Rules of Conduct

Safety - All protective gear must be worn while participating in contact or roller derby drills. Skaters without protective gear will not be allowed to participate in contact or pack skating drills. Skating under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted at SSRD practices, public

appearances or games.

Public Appearance/Advertising Material - All SSRD skaters are to represent the league in a favorable way during public appearances, promotional events, and SSRD sponsored events. Skaters are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner. No individual SSRD skater is to accept monies for services rendered, appearances, and /or interviews on behalf of SSRD without approval from South Side. South Side Roller Derby must approve all requests for public appearances and interviews. Any intellectual property created for SSRD remains the sole property of the league and cannot be sold for a profit.

Sportswoman ship - South Side Roller Derby is built on league camaraderie and respect. We pride ourselves on integrity, professionalism, individuality, and being High Vibe! . 

Coach, Trainer and Referee Responsibility

For the welfare and protection of SSRD skaters, coaches, trainers and referees must adhere to a common set of values and ethics. They are expected to be honest, fair and respectful of others, and respect the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all skaters. They should also seek to promote integrity in the practice of coaching, training and refereeing. Coaches, trainers and referees must adhere to the SSRD rules of conduct.

Enjoy The Journey To Being Game Day Ready!

Learn To Skate Level - 0

Level 0 is our Beginner Learn To Skate Class. In this class you will master skills such as; forward skating, backwards skating, backwards transitions, forward transitions, stops, and falls.

Speed & Agility Level - 1

Speed & Agility Level 1 you will master the speed and foot work skills such as; shuffling, grapevines, quick stops, quick start, lateral movements, jumps, spins, toe stop work and speed skating.

Roller Derby 101 Level 2
In Roller Derby 101  Level 2 you will start light contact drills, skating with others, skating in packs, intro to blocking, intro to scrimmage drills, power jams, teamwork and you will skate home power jam games (no travel)

Roller Derby - Level 3 - Full Contact/ GAME DAY READY

Offense, defense, communication, forcing penalties, skating clean, full out scrimmages, full contact - Home Games (no travel)

Roller Derby - Level 4 - Seasonal Travel Team

Four months out of the year, skaters commit to a rigorous practice schedule of 3-5 days a week, indoor, outdoor practices, and commit to 3 away games. Tryouts are held as needed.